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Source: FBI spoke to second Kavanaugh accuser
FBI Talks To Second Kavanaugh Accuser
Lawyer: Kavanaugh accuser cooperating with FBI
White House Greenlights FBI To Expand Brett Kavanaugh Investigation | NBC Nightly News
FBI Begins New Brett Kavanaugh Background Investigation | NBC Nightly News
Note at Kavanaugh accuser’s home demands FBI probe
Lawyer For Brett Kavanaugh’s 2nd Accuser Says Client Willing To Testify | TODAY
FBI Interviews Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Deborah Ramirez
Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford demands FBI investigation
FBI reopens Brett Kavanaugh background check
FBI Brett Kavanaugh Investigation Remains Limited, Despite President Donald Trump’s Tweet | TODAY
LA Times: FBI's Brett Kavanaugh Probe Won't End With Dr. Ford's Allegation | The 11th Hour | MSNBC